Club Grips

We Offer a Larger Selection of Golf Club Grips than Any of the Big Retailers or Online Sellers.

Selecting Grips

Selecting a golf grip can be an arduous task considering the wide variety of styles, types, and materials available in the marketplace. The big retailers have specific contracts with grip suppliers and must buy from a select few. They also have sales incentives to move specific grips and steer you to those companies.

At Better Golf Shot, we purchase from the same major suppliers of grips, but without a contract. Therefore, we have the willingness to buy from any of the alternative suppliers. Many of these smaller companies produce excellent grips. Furthermore, it is often at a grips logo sheetlower price point. So, we offer a wider range of grips from more manufacturers than our much larger competition.

Our collection of samples to hold and feel is quite broad with regular grips, oversize grips, and various putter grips. We do also carry belly putter grips. You should always try to check out grips before you buy them so that your personal preferences and needs are met. Grips are a very personal choice with so many options available.

Again, as a professional business, we’ve tested and played over 80 different sizes and models. So, our expertise can guide you when your personal choice narrows down to a couple grips. There are also some technical aspects to consider when  purchasing new grips and we’ll inform the golfer of those during the process.

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